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Trisha to have tattoos on her other parts..

Trisha is planning to go for Tattoos on her body, she stated she is going to go for photo shoot with this new tattoos, so that this would get bigger attention in Bollywood. The good thing for her is, she gets to pair with Akshay Kumar and the film is being directed by the famous Priyadarshan. So it now remains to be seen how much of her ‘Tatoo’ formula will help Trisha find more plum offers in the Hindi arena.

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Shriya Tempting With 'Sexy SMS'..

“I’m in your town. I’d love to meet you. Send your Lux wrapper to ‘LUX SHRIYA COME HOMW’ PO BOX 3904, GURGAON, HPO, MUMBAI- Shriya Saran”.
This is the message that has been hitting the mobile phones of Vodaphone users. This is a promotion started by Lux by campaigning through Vodaphone. And Shriya has been ‘open’ with the winners. She is coming to their homes and surprising. She is spending time with them and hence it’s creating interest among Lux consumers and also Shriya fans.
The photographs relating to winners with Shriya are being published in News Papers very frequently to inspire public.